FSWidgets - SlewAssist for FSX 1.1
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FSWidgets - SlewAssist for FSX 1.1

SlewAssist permits mouse controlled movement of the aircraft during flight
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SlewAssist permits mouse controlled movement of the aircraft during flight, in many different ways and combinations. Although the software is called "SlewAssist", it is important to note that its capabilities may be used when FSX is in Slew Mode, Pause Mode, or Regular Flight Mode.Since "Slewing" was introduced as a feature in Flight Simulator many versions ago, the only way to actually slew the aircraft was via the provided hotkeys (fast and slow slewing). This method gives very little control of preciseness and does not easily cater for the exacting needs of today’s scenery designers and general flight simulation users.FSWidgets are proud to release an industry first in features and functionality with SlewAssist. Please note it can only be used with FSX, it will not work with Flight Simulator versions prior to FSX.



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